Storing Coffee or How to Keep Your Beans Fresh

Do your coffee research anywhere and you will here the same thing again and again. Fresh beans taste better. But how do you keep them at their freshest? Lever lovers, we have you covered. Follow these rules and you’ll be drinking fresh coffee weeks after you picked up some beans from your favourite roaster:

  1. Keep Your Coffee Dry. Try to avoid keeping your coffee in a humid environment. Water in the air can lead to your favourite beans going staler quicker.
  2. Keep Your Coffee Dark. Light can accelerate the staling of your coffee, so make sure to keep it in a dark spot. If you are using a clear mason jar, then think about putting it into a box.
  3. Keep Your Coffee Airtight. Most coffee shops provide you with a resealable bag these days, so if you’re not transferring your coffee to another vessel, then make sure your sealing it back up after each brew. If you are transferring your beans, make sure their new home is airtight.

A note on freezing: Having too much coffee is one of those good problems. Coffee can be frozen for those times when your cupboards are full, but its best to only freeze it once. Defrosting the coffee regularly can lead to a build up of condensation which will be bad for your beans and bad for your cup.

If you do decide to freeze your beans, make sure the container you are freezing them in is airtight. If they are still in the bag, pop a bit of tape over the valve just to make sure.

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